redwinelover's Dagbog, 04 dec 10

Whoo-hooo! 122 again... actually about 121.9, but who's counting, right? No journal for so long... Okay, I'm going to try to get back into the groove here.

Had my 6 week post op check yesterday and it went really well. My husband met me at the doctor's office and we both asked questions. I really love this doctor - so patient, so honest and I really think he cares about his patients. Or maybe he only cares what they think about his work? I don't know, but I'd go back to him in a heartbeat. I even forgive him for being young, good looking and male. I've had some sharp, stabbing pains in both breasts and both near what feels like a cyst or a lump. Since he took two large cysts out of one side, which were just calcified cysts -benign- I assumed the one sort of pointy or hard one was one of these. But wanted to make sure there weren't some kind of breast fat necrosis going on. So I showed him and he felt it and said it felt like one of his surgical knots. He explained the whole Strattice thing again, and how it's a sort of internal sling or internal bra and he uses really heavy duty suture thread for that, that is almost like fishing wire - but will eventually dissolve over about six months. Since the Strattice is so expensive to use and so important (he feels) for the outcome, he uses that type to make it really secure, no chance of blowing out a stitch, I guess. So apparently the strattice is sewn along the bottom of the mammary fold, along both sides and across the breast at about nipple height. And that part is sewn to the pectoral muscle.. I think? Not sure. But would explain the stabbing pains here and there. He said the other side also felt like the same thing, but deeper. And said if I wanted, he could order an ultrasound if I was worried about it. I told him I wasn't worried, as long as he felt he knew what it was, and that MY concern was that a gynecologist may want a biopsy. He said IF that happened, call him or just have him/her order an ultrasound first. But he also said that most likely it will dissolve over six months and just to keep an eye on it just in case. I had a few other questions, too, and he answered everything. Then I had the "after" photos taken. Not NEARLY as traumatic to me this time! Last time, I'd swear I had PTSD for a while... I HATED having those pictures taken. This time...not so bad! And fewer "poses", too! lol... which did help! Anyway, the doc was so pleased with his work he asked if I'd signed the release to use the photos on his website. OMG... I said no, and he asked if I'd consider it - having such a "good" result and he wanted to showcase the use of Strattice for "thin skinned" women. I told him probably not, but I'd that I'd be happy to let him give prospective patients my contact info. So he asked if he could use my photos just in his office with patients and I said that would be fine with me. I mean, there are no faces involved, just bodies. He tried to tell me that people were looking at the afters, but I told him I wasn't sure I agreed with him because when I was looking at women's photos, I was trying to find someone with the same body type and same types of issues I was dealing with...THEN I'd look at the after photos. So no online pictures...not a chance. But no objections to him using them within the office. But was it flattering? Yeah, kind of... that the doc thinks the results are good enough to bring in new Anyway, I have no more appointments with him unless there is a problem, and they'll call me near the six month mark to see how thing are going. He did add, of course, to call the office if I have any questions or concerns. I'm actually gonna miss him. I've NEVER been one to fall for their doctor... hell, most of the time I can't STAND doctors. But this one? Nice guy, great doctor, awesome surgeon... yeah, I'll miss him. He told me that as long as there is pain when I cough or sneeze, no workouts. And get this... I just found out I am NEVER to do push ups or anything that isolates the chest. I don't think I knew that... I knew there could be funny movement of the implants, but didn't know it'd be off limits. So I guess I'll be modifying my workouts once I get back to them. Hmmm... looks like Shaun T and I are split up for good! On Monday I'll get my medical records and the before and after photos. I saw the befores again yesterday and oh Lord... I'm SO glad I was able to have this surgery! (THANK YOU DEAR HUSBAND!!!!) Wow, I'm a totally different person in some ways. I mean, I'm me... but I have a completely different outlook, I feel younger and "cuter" (lol) and just more like ME, more confident, more feminine...just love it!.
And the really silly thing is I view my new boobs and ME... as the way I felt I should have been in the first place, not like "fake" - I knew this was right for me in a lot of ways. One of them was before the surgery, I would look at my padded bras and "cutlets" as my "fake boobs" and couldn't wait to get my "real" ones!

So all is well here. Clean bill of health from the doc. OH... you're not gonna believe this, but he said I was thin, and that thin women have this or that issue! And then the office assistant, Mary, said yes, I should think about putting on 5 lbs, maybe 10... that it may fill out my face and some other areas that are lacking the bit of fat under the skin that helps you look softer. Hmmm... GAIN weight? Professionals want me to GAIN some weight? lol... never thought I'd see that day! Will I? no, probably not...not until I CAN work out and what I want to put on is muscle. Muscle in my legs and butt... that's what I'm needing. And when I do that, I will put on a few pounds, so I may end up around the 125 - 130 range and feel comfortable there.


1 til 20 af 29
It's great to hear that you seem to have gotten over the ordeal with such excellent results! I wondered a little about the pushups and not isolating the chest (hope you asked a lot of questions there) and I think I know how you feel; but, when you consider the positive side of it, and the fact that you will be able to enjoy your beautiful new body for years, it's a minor detail. You sound very happy, and, of course, that is the most important thing. Great job rwl! :-) 
05 dec 10 af medlem: information
Wow, I came by last night and left a comment, but I see that it has disappeared. I am so happy for you D!! It sounds like everything is going along swimmingly. Congrats on the 121.9....only in my dreams!! lol As for no more push-ups....oh the price of a nice set of Thelma and Louis', eh! lol Have a great Sunday, and I am glad that you are back, and that you enjoyed your break! Good job, getting rid of that excess fluid! 
05 dec 10 af medlem: ctlss
Congrats on the great post op appointment! It felt so good when I went into that room and got good feedback. Congrats on 121! Your well on your way to putting obesity behind your back burner for good... The post op surgery is much like a therapy session at least it was for me... Your convictions grow stronger to not get fat and you keep up with workouts much easier and eat healthier too. I have some friends who had breast lifts etc and they could not do pushups for about a year but then they started doing some. It depends how surgeon cut you that makes difference, some cut under, some cut over but the best option I have heard is below muscle as it gives a more natural breast! Keep it up buddy I am very proud of you!!! 
05 dec 10 af medlem: gizmonel
Hi Info! Thanks! But I don't know that I'd call it an "ordeal" lol.... more like... hmmmm... like dealing with very manageable pain and discomfort for the greater good! SO worth any bit of that and more. Honest to God, I'd do it again tomorrow if need be. Well, you are right about it being a minor detail in the scheme of things, too, and yes, I'm VERY happy. I honestly can't remember being this happy for years. Thanks Info... (still haven't checked to see if you've journaled again... that'll be next! lol) 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
ctlss... Hey ARE you? (I know, if I'd just READ my friends' journals, I may LEARN something! lol) And yes, Thelma and Louise are definitely infinitely more important than some silly push-ups! So many other exercises I will be able to do (it's just that I'd gotten pretty good at 'em!). Thanks for the congrats, but pretty sure SOME of that was turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, upside down pumpkin pie cake, whipped cream, wine, more wine... lol... I had an absolute pig fest over nearly a week. Thank God I spent so much time on my feet during the same time period. I've got to catch up with you... 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
I am with redwinelover I would do my surgery all over again and again its such a rewarding experience from pre surgery visits with surgeon to post recovery pain if you get any... Mine was pain free for most part. Happy is an understatement LOL I have never been so excited than now to finally have put my morbid obese past behind me although my past has helped for whom I am today I do not miss looking at rolls in the mirror or managing fat mass while getting dressed and most of all my clothes fit so much better!!! I am proud of you redwinelover! Lets do it again LOL 
05 dec 10 af medlem: gizmonel
Hi gizomel! Yeah, it was really nice to get great feedback. I mean, you HOPE your surgeon is proud of his work...but when you can see it on his face and he's trying to convince you to be one on his website... :D Pretty good feeling there! I'm so glad to know you felt the same way. I do think you're right about the surgery almost being therapy. No way do I want to go back to being fat... for so many reasons. I feel SO much better, I feel I look better, I think I've done myself a lot of good, healthwise, by losing weight, exercising and eating much better - probably cut my risks of heart disease and cancer in half. That, alone, makes me feel good. The surgery? Yep, definitely don't want to mess that up! lol... I AM looking forward to being able to work out again. Soon, I hope. Definitely want to start hiking soon, too. I really miss that and it's the perfect time of the year in AZ for hiking, too. My surgeon put them under the pectoral muscles, which is why there is that funny movement if you have pecs (I still do - I had great pectoral muscles after all those push ups and other chest exercises - especially from the Insanity workout) and yes, I do believe it gives you the most natural breast. Not bragging since I had nothing to do with it, but I can vouch for that personally! These are MY "natural" breasts. The doc was pretty clear on never doing push ups or other chest muscle isolating exercises. Said they can move the breasts outward, so they would eventually "point" that way (wall eyed? lol...NOT for me!) I'm gonna trust he knows what he's talking about on this one. And if he is wrong... well, there are so many other upper body exercises I can do that I'll just not let it bug me. Hey, have you added to your blog lately? I need to bookmark that link...can you send it again? Hope you're having a great weekend. 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
OH... INFO... I forgot to add that what does bug me about the push up thing... I never even TRIED doing them with my husband's Perfect Push-ups! Too late now! lol 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
gizmonel... it's SO nice to go to the store, try on some clothes and see how well they fit and how nice you look, isn't it?! I LOVE that feeling. My husband and I went shopping together yesterday (a VERY rare occurrence to be sure!) and he was like, Hey, that'll look great - buy that! Oh, that would be nice on you... get THAT, too... I LIKE that one, yes, buy that, too! lol... It was so nice, though. So yeah, I just wish we could bottle this feeling up, this sense of pride and accomplishment and satisfaction with your own reflection and save it for those days when you don't feel all that great about yourself. Or better yet, to send to friends who are down :D But the "lets do it again".... don't scare me! Unless we're talking about another type of surgery - tweak another body part or something. Because if we need the tummy tuck all over again then that means we didn't actually learn!  
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
Hello buddy! Yes I just posted a new blog this morning. You will eventually be able to do regular pushups but don't mess with them yet as there are many other exercises for chest that you can and will post you some of them tonight so be on look out! You have done what most will not do in their life time and that my friend is something to be proud of... It takes guts to go under the knife but yet we both did it. Once you start working out you will even get better visuals and never want to be fat again LOL. Listen to your surgeon as he knows best but also trust your instincts. It is the best feeling in the world to go to store, pick, try and walk out! Oh yes another body part... I am going to get my scar revision and upper thighs possible with more work.... the lower body lift only got so much from hip bone lol. We are in it for life! 
05 dec 10 af medlem: gizmonel
Actually, I'd like a butt lift.... shhh. And not that I'm gonna be a plastic surgery junkie...just want the backside to match up a bit better with the front side! My plastic surgeon doesn't do that surgery - doesn't feel it reaps the rewards that his other surgeries do for the patient, but will locate a surgeon he feels good about that does this surgery. I'm happy he doesn't do what he's not extremely comfortable doing, and yet, it saddens me to think "my" plastic surgeon will not be doing the work! But anyway, at this point it's just a dream. I need a JOB! Can't expect my husband to give up another opportunity to get a truck in a year or two! lol... Thanks, gizmonel... I'll bookmark your blog!  
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
RWl, ever watched "Death Becomes Her", where Meryl Streep is looking in the mirror after drinking the potion and her but "lifts"? That cracks me up (no pun intended)!! lol 
05 dec 10 af medlem: ctlss
Enjoyed reading your journal as always, RWL..and I'm so happy for you. It is such a wonderful feeling to go shopping and see yourself pretty with smaller and CUTER size of clothing. Thanks for stopping by my journal. I keep asking myself why I let myself go so bad during my trip and gained whole bunch and have to work so hard to lose it down.. I'm learning.. Try to keep your beautiful weight, RWL! and just gain more muscle. That's all you need. What's your height, btw? Do you have small body frame?  
05 dec 10 af medlem: happynow
ctlss... I DO remember that scene! lol... oh, if it were that easy. Well, I guess it really wasn't, though, in the end! And it cracked me up, too! (as do YOU, my friend!) 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
Hi Happynow... it's ALL a learning process. I don't know why I let myself eat THAT much over the holiday, either. I'm just lucky it didn't stick around longer. Oh, I'm 5' 4 1/2" (I claim that half inch! lol) and no, I think I have a medium size frame. I have a huge ribcage, too. And I have very little space between my lowest rib and the top of my hip bones, so not enough space to get a really tiny waist! I'll take the barely-under-26" though! Beats hell out of the 34.5" I had a year ago! 
05 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
A butt lift would be awesome for you and NO you would not be a junkie if you did get one! Dreams do become reality and I bet you in a year or two I will be reading about your butt lift here in your journals. :) Its all this journey is about... Learning as much as you can about yourself AND forgiving yourself too. My waist is very thick and large boned so is my rib cage but everything else is small. Keep an eye out on the big picture you will be much better rather then focusing on things you cant change focus on things you can change and have power over. 
05 dec 10 af medlem: gizmonel
Hey RWL! So glad to hear you got great news at the docs office and that Thelma and Louise are still looking good in their perky perfection. Oh how I'd love to get that all done!  
05 dec 10 af medlem: Junebug7210
Youngbug... trust me when I tell you I KNOW how fortunate I am. Sometimes I almost feel guilty! But not quite... :D I DO wish anyone wanting this type of surgery could have it. Seriously life-altering, as shallow as that may sound! Most PS's have financing available - through Care Credit or another type of place and it's interest free for the first year, I think. Something to put on your Christmas wish list! lol  
06 dec 10 af medlem: redwinelover
:D I believe me, it's on my list lol. I'm working on paying off my surgery bill from May (my hysto) and once that is done I'm officially free if debt...except house and utilities. No credit cards, doctor bills, car payments, anything. it should be doable sooner than later.  
06 dec 10 af medlem: Junebug7210
From 34 to 26...!!! You should enjoy your thin body more than anything! I was 25.5 and didn't appreciate much although I liked it and now I'm 26.5 and not sure how long it's going to take, first, to go back to where I was and then just half an inch less from there. But 26 is good, especially you're medium frame. See, I'm very small frame and thin bone structure and 5'5 1/2"(I like that half inch, too. it's more than a centimeter, you know:D My face is round so I don't look so terribly thin even when I weighed 110-115. I look slim but not too skinny. Most of Asians are thin as you notice. I look very very normal, not particularly slim at all when I visit Asian countries. Wish I can wear my size 2 clothes soon but, I'm not going to rush myself. I'll see how long it takes to get there with my exercise and good choice of food without starving myself. I'm so happy for you, rwl! Enjoy your beautiful look everyday! Time goes by fast and you'll be able to do your work out soon. Enjoy your rest and healing time as well! 
06 dec 10 af medlem: happynow


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