Annie42's Dagbog

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11 marts 2016

Ate pretty clean yesterday. Worked alot, and fixed a nice dinner for my inlaws. Had to go over to the burned house, and sort through stuff while dh excavated more remains into the dump truck. Don't think I had any good finds yesterday. Also had to run a couple errands after that, clean the house like mad, and fix a nice dinner for my inlaws. We invited them for dinner, and I forgot to take the chicken out to thaw in, had to buy some. That went well.
Writing thanks yous today. Have to go out to the house at noon to sift through while excavating more. Then DD10 has a bday part to go to next door, and I have a baby shower/pot luck at church this evening. That will be a test for me....pot luck dinners at church are to me what a wounded mammal floating in the ocean is to a great white shark. Argh!
Have a blessed day, everyone!
Vægt: Indtil videre tabt: Stadig tilbage: Kost fulgt:
101,5 kg 0,3 kg 31,2 kg Rimeligt godt
   (2 kommentarer) Taber 2,5 kg om Ugen

09 marts 2016

oH joy!!! While digging through more ashes today, I found my son's baby photo album. A lot of the pics are destroyed, but there are many I will be able to salvage. One of the most dear of them, is with my Dad holding my son for the first time, while my mother looks on. It made me cry to see it again- since I was sure that it had burned. My parents were quite a bit older when they got married, and never had children naturally. I was adopted when I was 6 weeks old. So, at the time of my son's birth, my mother was there for it all--and it was the closest thing to childbirth she'd ever experienced.. DH let her cut the cord, too. My Dad was ecstatic to have a grandson, and the pure joy in his face is beautiful. I am so thankful to have found those few precious memories.
No emotional eating here. Just happy emotions. Period. Another small victory...

09 marts 2016

More of those wonderful pre-made meals last night. It was deliciouis...but there are just some things I really should not eat... and blast night was one of them. No naughty desserts though.=)I'll take whatever victories I can!!!
I ran around alot yesterday, doing laundry here at home, then hauling kids here and there. Went up to the old house, and saw that braces had been put in place to hold up the foundation walls. That was encouraging. Its in the 50's here, which is unseasonably warm. So, all the many feet of snow are melting at a rapid pace, and soon we will have the hydrostatic pressure to deal with underground. That's why the walls of the foundation had to be braced.
Saturday, I get to go way up high in the "cherry picker" to start scrubbing down the charred chimney stone. Should be a hoot, since I am afraid of heights. I designed the fireplace and chimney, picked out the stone, and I'll scrub the dang thing until it looks right again!! Grrrrr!
We submitted house plans for a quote a couple days ago. Waiting to hear back. Dh and I were looking at kitchen photos on last night, and I fear he and I are on very different pages there. I am the 'antique/farmhouse look" person; he is "clean and contemporary". I want the house done with part stone around the base, and the deep barn red cedar siding... not sure how he will like that. We did decide on old Chicago brick for the entry flooring, and the back entrance/laundry room. I love the look of that old brick, and want to do a veneer as a backsplash in the kitchen. Then use real milk paint on the cupboards and island.
WEll, back to writing thank-yous. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Vægt: Indtil videre tabt: Stadig tilbage: Kost fulgt:
102,2 kg 0 kg 31,9 kg Dårligt
   Tilføj Kommentar Tager 0,6 kg om Ugen

07 marts 2016

Started off with a fantastic breakfast...eggs with onion and mushrooms. And butter. Must have butter. =)
Lunch---lo-carb thickburger from Hardees. Mustard and Mayo--because ketchup has too much sugar.
No snacking. Just sipped on an Americano from the Cyberia cafe.
Had a viatmin water zero too.
Fixed dinner..which was homemade chicken-noodle soup from scratch. First real meal I've made from scratch sine the house fire. Fixed Ceasar salad, too. I skipped the noodles and the French bread...just ate the chicken, broth and a few carrots. Sounds all well and good right? It was ... until my new, very lovely and sweet neighbor showed up with a tray of the most delicious middle eastern delights I've ever seen!!! Its like Saudi-Arabian Baklava if you can imagine!!! ... only had one piece and it was among the most amazing things I've ever tasted! So, there goes the carbs for the day. I hope my kids eat the rest of those cakes. Man!!!!

06 marts 2016

Well this was nifty! After watching the menu today, I've got the ratios exactly where I like them. Fats...around 70%; Protein around 18-20%, and Net Carbs...10% or less. Very happy about that!

Church today was awesome! Great sermon and music, and the ladies group made quilts for both of my daughters, my son, and one for DH and I. Absolutely stunning! I am overwhelmed with thankfulness, and just cannot even thank them enough.

Went out to the remains of the house today. One of our friends was already there, waiting to help. We pulled down the insulation that was still stuck in parts of the basement. It'll rot and mold if we don't get it out now. Dug through some piles of remains. DH found the watch that belonged to my Mother. Going to take that to a jeweler and see if they can repair it. Found a few other odds and ins that the kids wanted. And a wedding pic of me and my Mom, and one of Dh and I, along with my parents and my Grammie. I thought they were all burned, but our friend found them stuck in the pile of ashes. Very neat.

Well, going to thaw out and then work on house plans and write thank yous. Have a nice evening, all!

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